Stewardship & Sustainability
At King Springs Pecans, LLC, we think “Sustainably Grown” is a modern understanding of what we call stewardship - protecting the land and the animals and folks on it for the future, as if we will have to give an account for what we have done.
The farm is an environmental operating system that produces healthy food for people. But it also requires us to put back more into the land and our employees and community than we take from it to grow this food. In this way, we are totally different from extraction or industrial farming, where the land is depleted and communities are weakened in order to grow food.
Quantity & Quality
We produce the highest-quality pecans and in sufficient quantity to be profitable. We reject the notion that farmers have to choose between these two goals. Both goals are achievable.
approach to innovation
The farm is focused on using the right machinery and technology to increase farm efficiency. We are constantly evaluating new techniques that will help us increase safety for our team, create labor efficiencies, and reduce operating costs. An example of this is our platform harvesting machinery, originally developed for other fruits and vegetables, which we first applied to a Georgia pecan crop in 2016. It resulted in time and labor savings, and in most of our Pecans never hitting the ground.
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.””